Blake's Developer Blog

Hi! I'm Blake Zimmerman.
I'm a software engineer trying to turn my thoughts into words.
Zero-Runtime CSS-in-JS
May 25, 2023 ・ 30 min read
Let's review currently popular ways of authoring stylesheets and then walk through how we can implement type-safe, zero-runtime CSS generation in TypeScript with Vanilla Extract.
Write Type-safe React Component APIs with Generics
December 31, 2019 ・ 7 min read
Levergaing TypeScript's powerful generic types will enable you to make your component props more type-safe so that you can avoid bugs down the road.
Create SVG Components with React and TypeScript
December 8, 2019 ・ 6 min read
Learn how to easily convert SVG files to React components so you can use vector graphics as easily and with as much flexibility as any other component.